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Fairphone creates a better understanding between people and their products and stimulates conversations about what "fair" really means. By developing a more environmentally friendly smartphone, they are showcasing the limitless potential for a fairer future that benefits everyone.



The challenge was to design and develop a luxury packaging with less material used in comparison to the packaging of other mobile phones and to reduce the carbon footprint by localizing the production in Europe instead of China. 



We designed and delivered a luxury packaging design that achieved the results below



58% less material used in comparison to the packaging of the best-selling mobile phone this decade.



75% reduction of carbon footprint. Mainly paper recycled and biodegradable raw materials used. The final packaging is 100% recyclable with Paper.



75% reduction of carbon footprint. Mainly paper recycled and biodegradable raw materials used. The final packaging is 100% recyclable with Paper.


Download here our comprehensive case for more information about our approach and results or 

contact Jerom van Beuzekom via


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